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Representation of a piece of remote data.

Rule of thumb:

  • some piece of data is stored in a remote location (like a server)
  • its local representation can be be easily deleted and re-fetched from the remote location

So, it is a good candidate for a Query.


This section describes the Event that can be used to perform actions on the Query. Commands should be called in application code.


Unconditionally starts the Query with the given parameters.

refresh since v0.8

Starts the Query with the given parameters if it is $stale. Otherwise, it will be treated as skipped.

reset since v0.2

Resets the Query to the initial state.


This section describes the Stores that can be used to read the Query state.


Store with the latest data. It must not be changed directly. In case of error, it will contain the initial data.


Store with the latest error. It must not be changed directly. In case of success, it will contain null.


Store with the current status of the Query. It must not be changed directly. Can be one of the following values: "initial", "pending", "done", "fail".

For convenience, there are also the following Stores:

  • $idle since v0.8true if the Query is in the "initial" state, false otherwise.
  • $pendingtrue if the Query is in the "pending" state, false otherwise.
  • $failed since v0.2true if the Query is in the "fail" state, false otherwise.
  • $succeeded since v0.2true if the Query is in the "done" state, false otherwise.
  • $finished since v0.9true if the Query is in the "done" or "fail" state, false otherwise.


Store with the current enabled state of the Query. Disabled queries will not be executed, instead, they will be treated as skipped. It must not be changed directly. Can be true or false.


Store with the current stale state of the Query. Stale queries will be executed on the next call to refresh Event. It must not be changed directly. Can be true or false.


This section describes the Event that can be used to listen to the Query state changes. Events must not be called in application code.


Event that will be triggered when the Query is finished with success. Payload will contain the object with the following fields:

  • params with the parameters that were used to start the Query
  • result with the result of the Query
  • meta with the execution metadata


Event that will be triggered when the Query is finished with failure. Payload will contain the object with the following fields:

  • params with the parameters that were used to start the Query
  • error with the error of the Query
  • meta with the execution metadata


Event that will be triggered when the Query is skipped. Payload will contain the object with the following fields:

  • params with the parameters that were used to start the Query
  • meta with the execution metadata


Event that will be triggered when the Query is finished with success, failure or skip. Payload will contain the object with the following fields:

  • params with the parameters that were used to start the Query
  • meta with the execution metadata
  • status since v0.9 with a string "done", "fail" or "skip" for success, failure or skip respectively
  • result since v0.9 if the status is "done" with the result of the Query
  • error since v0.9 if the status is "fail" with the error of the Query

aborted since v0.9

Event that will be triggered when the Query is aborted. Payload will contain the object with the following fields:

  • params with the parameters that were used to start the Query
  • meta with the execution metadata


Aborted Queries are not treated as failed v0.10. This means that .finished.failure will not be triggered in case of abortion.

started since v0.9

Event that will be triggered when the Query is started. Payload will contain the object with the following fields:

  • params with the parameters that were used to start the Query
  • meta with the execution metadata

Released under the MIT License.