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Install Farfetched

You will learn:

  • How to install minimal setup of Farfetched
  • How to choose the best integration for your tech stack
  • How to get the best DX by installing a few additional tools

Basic setup

First, you need to install Farfetched and its peer dependency:

pnpm install @farfetched/core effector
yarn add @farfetched/core effector
npm install @farfetched/core effector


Farfetched declares Effector as a peer dependency to prevent two instances of Effector in the same application. Read more about relation between Farfetched and Effector in the statement.

Actually, that is all what you need to start, but consider installing one of the following integrations to improve your DX with popular tools:

Additional tools

For some advanced usage, like cache or server-side rendering, Farfetched requires a few code transformations. You can write it by hands, but it is a boring job that you can forward to a machine. Effector's ecosystem provides a few tools to help you with that.

Babel plugin

If your project already uses Babel, you do not have to install any additional packages, just modify your Babel config with the following plugin:

  "plugins": ["effector/babel-plugin"]


Read more about effector/babel-plugin configuration in the Effector's documentation.

SWC plugin


Note that plugins for SWC are experimental and may not work as expected. We recommend to stick with Babel for now.

If you are using SWC, please read the official documentation of @effector/swc-plugin.


If you are using Vite, please read the recipe about it.

Deep dive

If you are interested in how code transformations works under the hood and why they are required for some use cases, you can dive into advanced article about SIDs.

Released under the MIT License.